न जाने छुपा क्या क्या है ?

Women's Special: इश्क के बाद तू ही तो ये दुनिया बचाए है, आदमी को मौका दिया, देखो जरा आगे की उम्मीद क्या है? कितना डरावना है कि ये ख्वाबी मर्ज तो तेरी हकीकत है, आखिर तुझमें ये बेइंतहा मजबूत बात क्या है?

Cost of Care By Housewives – An Economic Fiction

Economics keep talking about its inability to calculate correct value of care given by housewives and females and is not added to GDP anywhere in the world. Is that why as a society we think that it is of no value? As COVID lockdown taught many of us to share the load of household temporarily, do we need another unique crisis to understand more about the value of care given by half the world?

#Wanderlust in ‘The Forest of Enchantments’

There are few things in the world for which you think you are happy for their existence because they/it opened up a window in your mind to see things differently or made you feel something rare or benefitted you in some way. Among many other things, this time it's a book I have been reading …

Continue reading #Wanderlust in ‘The Forest of Enchantments’